Liberia Legislative
Budget Office

Profile of the Deputy Director, Macro-fiscal Analysis

Professor Moses P. Roberts, Sr.

Prof. Moses P. Roberts, Sr is a retired Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Liberia. He holds a Master of Science in Economic, M.Sc (Honor) degree, with emphasis in Public Finance (Oita University, Japan, 1993), BBA, Accounting, (University of Liberia, 1983). Mr. Roberts, Sr. served as Assistant Professor of Economics (Public Finance) at the University of Liberia for 25 years. He studied and obtained a certificate in basic Japanese Language (Osaka Foreign Institute, Japan, 1990). At the United Nation Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), he obtained a certificate in “Multilateral Negotiations: Trips and Techniques”, 2015.

Prof. Roberts, has led and played senior role in many high profile assignments in public service positions including: National Consultant to develop Liberia’s Community Development Program (CPD), a program study sanctioned by ECOWAS (2010); Planning Economist, under the GoL/UNDP Senior Executive Program (2009-2011); Assistant Minister for Commerce and Industry (2006-2008); Director General, Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA, 2002-2003); Senior Economist (Deputy Minister) for Fiscal policy and International Relations, Ministry of Finance, (1996-1998); Consultant, on the preparation of the document for the February 1998 Donor Conference on Liberia’s Reconstruction programs (1998); member of Liberia’s team of counter-part expert to IMF/World Bank/UNDP joint Rapid Assessment Missions for technical assistance to Liberia’s Reconstruction Programs (1996-1997);
Internal Auditor, Central Bank of Liberia (1984-1990); Captain and training Officer, Liberia National Police Training Academy (NPTA, 1981-1983).

The department of Macro-fiscal Analysis conducts macro-economic surveys and fiscal impact analyses of legislations. It also provides macroeconomic data and information in the Mid-fiscal year review of the minister of Finance Mid-year performance report to the legislature.

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