Liberia Legislative
Budget Office

Profile of the Deputy Director for Expenditure Analysis

Mr. Othello S. Tarbeh

Director Tarbah is an accomplished Manager with domestic and international experience in Public Financial Management and other Public Policy issues. In 2012, Mr. Tarbah received his MBA (Business Management), Graduate School of Business & Public Administration University of Liberia, In 1994 he obtained his B.Sc/Economics, College of Business & Public Administration, University of Liberia.

He holds a Graduate Diploma in Financial Management in the Public Sector wit emphases in BUDGETING from Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA; Certificate, Public Sector Budgeting, Parliamentary Staff Institute, CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, MADISON WASHINGTON, D.C. including several other Postgraduate and Professional Certificates:  Money Laundering Investigation and Recovery of Proceeds from Crime and Legal Framework on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters, United Nations Office on Drugs Crime UNODC; ECONOMIC AND Public FINANCIAL Management, and Research Methodology and Data Management respectively, West African Institute of Financial & Economic Management (WAIFEM-); Parliamentary budgeting, The World Bank institute, Post Graduate Certificate, Port Management & Operations, Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Center, Italielei 2B-2000, Antwerp, Belgium among several others.

Prior to joining the LBO as Deputy Director for Expenditure Analysis, Mr. Tarbah worked in government several capacities including Senior Economist (1998-1999) in the Office of the Managing Director, 999-2001, Assistant Manager, Planning & Development Department, NPA; 2001-2007, Planning & Development Manager, NPA; 2007-2008, Port Operations Manager, Freeport of Monrovia, NPA; 2007-2008, Port Operations Manager, Freeport of Monrovia, NPA; 2008-2010, Director of Programs/PRS FOCAL Point & Policy Adviser to the Mayor of the Municipal Government of Monrovia, Monrovia City Corporation. City Hall, Monrovia-Liberia Desk Officer 1992-1993, Bureau of International cooperation and Economic Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Special Assistant to the Minister 1993-1995, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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